Development of a High-Power Radially Polarized Laser



No funds listed.

Start Date
Sept. 4, 2016

End Date
Feb. 29, 2020


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This project aims to develop and trial a radially polarized laser for processing of materials. Methods of generating high-purity radially polarized laser modes are explored to provide seed sources for later investigation of novel amplification methods. A thermally guiding fibre-rod amplifier has been developed which is currently under trial in the amplification of radially polarized modes. The project ultimately aims to scale power levels to a level where the potential for laser processing using radially polarized modes may be explored.

W Clarkson SUPER_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Lasers
  2. Laser technology
  3. Projects

Extracted key phrases
  1. Laser mode
  2. Laser processing
  3. Novel amplification method
  4. Power level
  5. Power Radially
  6. Development
  7. Project
  8. Trial
  9. Later investigation
  10. Laser
  11. Seed source
  12. Rod amplifier

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UKRI project entry

UK Project Locations