Next Generation Luminspheres Lighting




Start Date
April 30, 2017

End Date
April 30, 2018


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The global Light Emitting Diode (LED) market is forecast to reach $105.5 billion by 2019. Currently, the main applications for LEDs are energy efficient lighting and backlighting for displays used in smart phones, personal computers and televisions. State of the art LED technology relies on the use of rare earth minerals as a source of phosphor. China has large rare earth mineral reserves and the mining of these has had significant adverse environmental impact. The value and limited availability of these rare earth mineral reserves has resulted in the Chinese government limiting supply outside China by restricting international export, which has an adverse impact on price and availability. Chromition will develop Luminspheres™, which are nanometre sized phosphor materials, designed to replace current rare earth LED phosphors. Luminspheres™ are manufactured at low temperature in water from readily available carbon based precursors, and are brighter and smaller than incumbent LED phosphors, hence requiring significantly less material needing to be incorporated into an LED chip for the same light output.


No people listed.

Subjects by relevance
  1. Light-emitting diodes
  2. Energy efficiency
  3. Phosphorus
  4. Diodes
  5. Lighting
  6. Export
  7. Rare earth metals
  8. Sustainable development

Extracted key phrases
  1. Current rare earth led phosphor
  2. Generation Luminspheres lighting
  3. Incumbent led phosphor
  4. Large rare earth mineral reserve
  5. Art led technology
  6. Led chip
  7. Global Light
  8. Energy efficient lighting
  9. Luminspheres ™
  10. Nanometre sized phosphor material
  11. Significant adverse environmental impact
  12. Diode
  13. Adverse impact
  14. Main application
  15. Limited availability

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