History of changes to: Buildings as energy stores - Residential & Commercial
Date Action Change(s) User
Feb. 13, 2024, 4:20 p.m. Created 43 [{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 64813, "fields": {"project": 13036, "organisation": 11073, "amount": 24698, "start_date": "2013-08-01", "end_date": "2013-10-31", "raw_data": 184083}}]
Jan. 30, 2024, 4:25 p.m. Created 43 [{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 57642, "fields": {"project": 13036, "organisation": 11073, "amount": 24698, "start_date": "2013-08-01", "end_date": "2013-10-31", "raw_data": 163397}}]
Jan. 2, 2024, 4:15 p.m. Created 43 [{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 50480, "fields": {"project": 13036, "organisation": 11073, "amount": 24698, "start_date": "2013-08-01", "end_date": "2013-10-31", "raw_data": 138198}}]
Dec. 5, 2023, 4:24 p.m. Created 43 [{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 43230, "fields": {"project": 13036, "organisation": 11073, "amount": 24698, "start_date": "2013-07-31", "end_date": "2013-10-31", "raw_data": 110932}}]
Nov. 27, 2023, 2:15 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:40 p.m. Created 43 [{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 35942, "fields": {"project": 13036, "organisation": 11073, "amount": 24698, "start_date": "2013-07-31", "end_date": "2013-10-31", "raw_data": 68197}}]
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:40 p.m. Created 41 [{"model": "core.projectorganisation", "pk": 106035, "fields": {"project": 13036, "organisation": 16457, "role": "PARTICIPANT_ORG"}}]
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:40 p.m. Created 41 [{"model": "core.projectorganisation", "pk": 106034, "fields": {"project": 13036, "organisation": 16458, "role": "PARTICIPANT_ORG"}}]
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:40 p.m. Created 41 [{"model": "core.projectorganisation", "pk": 106033, "fields": {"project": 13036, "organisation": 16458, "role": "LEAD_ORG"}}]
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:40 p.m. Created 40 [{"model": "core.projectperson", "pk": 66598, "fields": {"project": 13036, "person": 18214, "role": "PM_PER"}}]
Nov. 20, 2023, 2:05 p.m. Updated 35 {"title": ["", "Buildings as energy stores - Residential & Commercial"], "description": ["", "\nThe project will explore the potential for using commercial and domestic buildings as energy stores using a mixture of mathematic optimization and internet monitoring of national energy demand/supply and internet control of building energy devices. The ability for smoothing fluctuations of wind power into the electricity system of the UK will be a particular focus.\n\n"], "extra_text": ["", "\n\n\n\n"], "status": ["", "Closed"]}
Nov. 20, 2023, 2:05 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": [52080]}
Nov. 20, 2023, 2:05 p.m. Created 35 [{"model": "core.project", "pk": 13036, "fields": {"owner": null, "is_locked": false, "coped_id": "fd2ce424-186c-45c3-8f7d-cc11d1663dd3", "title": "", "description": "", "extra_text": "", "status": "", "start": null, "end": null, "raw_data": 68180, "created": "2023-11-20T13:48:46.817Z", "modified": "2023-11-20T13:48:46.817Z", "external_links": []}}]