One of the most critical issues to current debates on tackling climate change is the way that our energy needs can be met in the future. Renewable and clean energy technologies are part of the answer, along with wider strategies regarding improved energy utilisation and conservation and improved energy efficiency. However, due to the rapidly advancing science of renewable and clean (sustainable) energy technology the wider public remains uncertain, sceptical and ill-informed of the real application and potential of these technologies to their everyday lives and communities, and the essential role of improved energy utilisation and conservation and improved energy efficiency. This is particularly true for groups from traditionally harder to reach socially and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds who face the greatest barriers to engagement with these issues. Using a strong partnership approach, this project will enable active researchers in the field of clean technology to stimulate the public's interest in sustainable energy approaches and help the wider public realise the huge importance and relevance of this area of science to their own communities.The project will adopt three complimentary communication strands: (1) 'green' roadshow events for the wider public; (2) workshops for local community groups; (3) workshops with schools (both primary and secondary) and education groups and school-based public events. These activities will focus particularly on harder to reach socially and educationally disadvantaged communities within the North Staffordshire and surrounding area. This project is supported by strong project partnerships including partners with expertise in working with socially and educationally-disadvantaged communities particularly in the regeneration of sustainable communities; partners with facilities and expertise in information, design and implementation of renewable technologies within socially and educationally-disadvantaged communities and partners with considerable expertise in working with the wider public (including schools) in the communication of climate change and sustainable solutions. In addition, the project team has extensive experience of working with primary and secondary schoolchildren and schoolteachers and educational groups in the provision of workshops on sustainable energy approaches and climate change.Genuine and effective dialogue between the project team, project partners and participant representatives will be achieved through discussion groups set up between the project team, project partners and participant representatives, in addition to the workshops run as part of the project. This will ensure effective dialogue on the aspects of sustainable energy approaches of greatest importance to the wider public while helping to generate real attitudinal and behavioural change towards establishing more sustainable communities in the socially and educationally deprived areas with which the project works.