Hydrogen Fuel Cell Range Extender
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Hydrogen is anticipated a primary driver towards decarbonising the maritime sector with the UK and international shipping industry expected to require 75-95TWh in 2050 _\[UK hydrogen strategy publication\]_. The fuel cell market is currently ramping up production with several large factories planned in Europe. In 2020, the global Hydrogen Fuel Cells market size was $2.5B, and expected to reach $19B by the end of 2027, with a CAGR of 33.4% during 2021-2027 _\[Valuates Report\]_.
This collaborative R&D project brings together Artemis Technologies, Lloyd's Register, HySafer (Ulster University) and Energia Hydrogen to develop and test a novel Hydrogen Hybrid Range Extender system for Artemis-eFoiler propelled vessels, creating wider opportunities for decarbonisation of existing and new fleets in the commercial small to mid-size vessel markets.
Currently, compact high-power density marinised fuel cell systems are not available for small to mid-size commercial vessels such as Pilot and Crew Transfer Vessels. Complications stemming from safe hydrogen storage and the implications of marinisation on the volume of fuel cells, pose significant barriers to entry. Operational requirements for these vessels place a heavy burden on required power, when considering special manoeuvres like safe transfer of technicians onto a wind turbine in the case of a Crew Transfer Vessel.
This project will demonstrate a unique Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell offering an alternative to a single energy source. This solution tailors a net zero Hydrogen Hybrid system to the specific requirements of operators in multiple maritime sub-market segments, by optimising expenditure, infrastructure requirements, charge time and range. This is critical to overcome the high entry cost of hydrogen technology for early adopters.
It will build on the work of the Belfast Maritime Consortium's advanced green maritime innovation cluster, as well as further develop the critical mass of proven world leading capability and expertise in the design and build of green technologies to support the sectors transition to net zero.
Northern Ireland is making significant progress in the growth of zero-emission transport solutions through various national and international projects. It is incredibly important that we continue to build on what has been established and optimise the transport projects in Northern Ireland, leveraging the existing funding arrangements which have been secured from Interreg (€3.2M), OLEV (£3M) and UKRI (£33M), through the development of the Hydrogen Hybrid solution. This project will help build sustainable competitive advantage in the UK.
Ryan Teggart | PM_PER |
Subjects by relevance
- Hydrogen
- Fuel cells
- Maritime navigation
- Ships
- Fuels
- Renewable energy sources
- Optimisation
- Development (active)
- Cooperation (general)
Extracted key phrases
- Hydrogen Fuel Cell Range Extender
- Global Hydrogen Fuel Cells market size
- Novel Hydrogen Hybrid Range Extender system
- \[UK hydrogen strategy publication\
- Safe hydrogen storage
- Hydrogen technology
- Hydrogen Hybrid system
- Hydrogen Hybrid solution
- Size vessel market
- Fuel cell market
- Fuel cell system
- Energia Hydrogen
- Size commercial vessel
- Crew Transfer vessel
- Advanced green maritime innovation cluster
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