High-temperature Silicon Carbide Electronics (HITSIC)




Start Date
Sept. 30, 2008

End Date
June 30, 2012


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This project will demonstrate a new Silicon Carbide (SiC) materials process to realise high-temperature electronics (above 300°C with 400° C as target) for energy applications which needs basic research to address challenges associated with realising a scaleable semiconductor process. The project will model the device process and performance, will asses prototype devices, and will develop and demonstrate practical SiC-based circuits for power electronic gate drive and sensor applications focused on the energy and harsh environment sectors. In addition the project will research and develop new SiC device models and assess these against practical results. The novel and timely basic research project will research Silicon Carbide (SiC) materials and processes for Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) structures to provide a design and manufacturing capability for high temperature SiC low-voltage electronics. Target applications are: efficient electrical energy generation, distribution and utilisation; extreme environment sensors and instrumentation for oil, gas, and renewables, and; automotive and aerospace systems. Significant commercial benefits in all of the target application areas identified will be realised.

No people listed.

Subjects by relevance
  1. Semiconductors
  2. Silicone
  3. Sensors
  4. Electronics
  5. Carbides
  6. Energy efficiency
  7. Materials (matter)

Extracted key phrases
  1. High temperature sic low
  2. Temperature Silicon Carbide Electronics
  3. New sic device model
  4. New Silicon Carbide
  5. Timely basic research project
  6. Temperature electronic
  7. Practical sic
  8. Material process
  9. Device process
  10. Target application area
  11. Scaleable semiconductor process
  12. Power electronic gate drive
  13. Energy application
  14. Voltage electronic
  15. Sensor application

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