Renewal and Development of the Leeds EPSRC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Equipment Facility (LENNF)

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Renewal and Development of the Leeds EPSRC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Equipment Facility (LENNF)




Start Date
April 7, 2013

End Date
April 7, 2016


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This proposal aims to provide significant external access (a total of 140 days over 3 years) to state-of-the-art instrumentation as well as appropriate expertise for nanotechnology researchers specialising in both inorganic nanosystems and also in hybrid inorganic/ organic systems / i.e. bionanotechnology. Accessible facilities will include a synergistic ("one stop shop") combination of inter-related basic techniques for both characterisation and structural and device fabrication: environmental and low voltage scanning electron microscopy (ESEM and LVSEM); atomic force microscopy (AFM); transmission electron microscopy (TEM); X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS); focused ion beam (FIB) and electron beam lithography (EBL) together with associated cleanroom access. We believe that this integrated analytical approach will ultimately provide a much more productive service both in terms of overall scientific understanding and also productivity, as opposed to the piecemeal provision of many separate specialist activities. We also believe that, as a grouping, we possess the combined experience and facilities to deliver this fully integrated service successfully and efficiently. In addition we would also offer access to some unique specialist facilities such as: a variable temperature, UHV STM: a combined SEM and 4 STM Nanoprober for four point electrical measurements: a combined TEM-STM holder (Nanofactory): a Nanoman virtual reality AFM/ Nanomanipulator: and Magnetic tweezers.

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Potential Impact:
The provision of funding to support a free-at-point-of-access user facility will ensure a high external utilisation factor for existing, high-value, capital equipment at Leeds, with the income ensuring that this equipment is well supported in terms of staff, and well maintained and upgraded where appropriate. The impact of the investment for UK users would be monitored by an external Steering Committee using a set of key performance indicators and impact would be maximised via our active advertising and outreach campaign targeting, for instance, workshops for DTCs in Nanoscience, Energy, Materials as well as advertising at appropriate conferences. Training events would be continued. The combined facilities would be coordinated actively to attract the best science and that which is most relevant to the RCUK thematic areas, and to act as a "feeder" for larger, more specialised characterisation facilities such as SuperSTEM, NEXUS (XPS), Diamond and ISIS. Hence, the activity will be designed to be complementary to, not competing with, medium scale facilities. To help promote access to its facilities, Leeds has made all its >1000 pieces of equipment (>£25k) externally visible through:, and is currently populating this with technical descriptions/photographs - this will draw additional users into LENFF. The University is also working with regional partners in the N8 to develop methodologies for improved asset sharing.

Subjects by relevance
  1. Nanotechnology
  2. Microscopy
  3. Electron microscopy
  4. Services
  5. Spectroscopy

Extracted key phrases
  1. Leeds EPSRC Nanoscience
  2. Access user facility
  3. Renewal
  4. Nanotechnology Equipment Facility
  5. Significant external access
  6. Specialised characterisation facility
  7. Unique specialist facility
  8. Medium scale facility
  9. Accessible facility
  10. Transmission electron microscopy
  11. Associated cleanroom access
  12. High external utilisation factor
  13. Electron beam lithography
  14. Development
  15. Atomic force microscopy

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