Modelling, Characterisation and Optimisation of Deep Geothermal Energy in the Cheshire Basin

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Modelling, Characterisation and Optimisation of Deep Geothermal Energy in the Cheshire Basin



No funds listed.

Start Date
Sept. 30, 2015

End Date
Sept. 30, 2019


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In 2008, the UK Government pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% before 2050. Renewable energy solutions are a key part of this commitment with deep geothermal energy systems playing an important role in this strategy. The southern region of the Cheshire Basin in the northwest of the UK is one of only a handful of economically suitable sites in the country. The basin holds around 4.6M GWh of potentially available energy, more than 6 times the national heat demand of the UK. To exploit this resource, Cheshire East Council (the CASE partner) have instigated a programme of long-term Deep Geothermal Energy (DGE) research in collaboration with local universities and Public/Private sector partners. Over 250K pounds of initial research funding has been invested into the DGE project and this 4-year, collaborative CASE studentship with Keele University's Applied and Environmental Geophysics Group forms the next stage in this ambitious development programme.

In order to evaluate, characterise and optimise the delivery of deep geothermal energy as heat to homes and business in the East Cheshire region (and potentially to some 2 million consumers in the future), this CASE studentship project will attempt to simulate the transfer of heat energy from the deep geothermal reservoir (at a depth of nearly 4km), through a borehole array system and across to potential customers as low-carbon, cost-effective heating in a single, combined 'multiphysics' geothermal model. The ultimate goal of the project is to create a realist, accurate, flexible model that can be used to predict, optimise and probabilistically characterise the energy return of the Deep Geothermal Energy system when it comes online in 3-4 years' time. In addition, it is expected that the model will help inform and optimise the design of future DGE systems planned by Cheshire East council in the future. To achieve this, the student will;

1) Use sophisticated geological modelling, characterisation and visualisation tools to generate a 3D model of the hydrogeological conditions at the depth of the intended borehole array using existing geophysical, borehole, structural and sedimentological data plus new information from the planned investigation work and borehole drilling at the DGE site.
2) Model/simulate the 3D coupling of fluid and thermal fluxes in the active region of the borehole array system in order to predict the volume, flow and temperate of extracted waters from DGE system. The model will utilise hydro/petrophysical data information gained from the boreholes and physical/geometrical design information from the installed borehole array.
3) Test, validate, revise and optimise the models (with reference to real thermal, flux and flow data provided by the licenced DGE system operators) in order to provide a single model that best simulates the whole of the energy system at the point of delivery.

Cheshire East Council have an ambitious 25-year strategy to develop more DGE systems in the Cheshire Basin and the ability to model, characterise and optimise the design of future installations, based on the work undertaken in this studentship, has clear and significant financial, developmental and socio-economic benefits to all parties involved (i.e., the Council, consumers, developers and licenced operators). This studentship will also provide the selected candidate with a challenging, yet highly-rewarding project within one of Europe's leading near-surface geophysics research groups and, arguably, the most forward-looking local council with respect to renewable energy development. The project links the diverse and multidisciplinary fields of geology, geophysics and numerical modelling with the broader disciple of energy-related environmental engineering and district heat network design. As such, it represents an unrivalled opportunity for a talented student to work in a rapidly developing and increasing important sector of the energy market.

Asaad Faramarzi SUPER_PER
Nigel Cassidy SUPER_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Geothermal energy
  2. Emissions
  3. Optimisation
  4. Visualisation
  5. Energy policy
  6. Ground heat

Extracted key phrases
  1. Deep Geothermal Energy system
  2. Sophisticated geological modelling
  3. Numerical modelling
  4. Energy system
  5. Future DGE system
  6. Borehole array system
  7. Licenced DGE system operator
  8. Deep geothermal energy
  9. East Cheshire region
  10. Cheshire East Council
  11. Renewable energy development
  12. Renewable energy solution
  13. Heat energy
  14. Cheshire Basin
  15. Geothermal model

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