Energy Materials: New Electrolytes and Cathodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

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Energy Materials: New Electrolytes and Cathodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells



No funds listed.

Start Date
Sept. 30, 2019

End Date
Dec. 31, 2022


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Meeting the future energy needs of the world's growing population is one of today's most significant scientific challenges. Different types of new, sustainable, efficient and environmentally benign energy generation and conversion have been the subject of intense research, including solar, nuclear, wind and geothermal energy. However, new efficient energy vectors are also required to limit losses, and solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology is extremely attractive for this purpose in the short-to-medium term, owing to its unique combination of high efficiency, fuel flexibility and environmental safety. Two factors have prevented wider commercialisation of SOFCs: system cost and reliability; both stem from the high operating temperatures of the current technology. Lowering the operating temperatures to the so-called intermediate (IT, 450-650oC) and low-temperature (LT, down to 350oC) regions is therefore a major driver in SOFC research.

In this project we will prepare and characterise novel materials with high oxide ion and mixed oxide ion - electronic conductivities, needed for applications as electrolytes and cathodes, respectively, in intermediate- and low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operating between 350 and 600oC.
This is an exciting programme of research on highly topical functional materials. It spans experiment and theory, and crucially relies on the neutron-based techniques. It also represents an ambitious combination of depth and breadth encompassing materials design, atomic-level understanding of the structure, dynamics and the fundamental properties, as well as fabrication and testing in device-ready forms.

Ivana Evans SUPER_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Fuel cells
  2. Energy efficiency
  3. Energy production (process industry)
  4. Materials (matter)

Extracted key phrases
  1. Solid oxide Fuel Cells
  2. Temperature solid oxide fuel cell
  3. Energy Materials
  4. High oxide ion
  5. Mixed oxide ion
  6. Future energy need
  7. New efficient energy vector
  8. New Electrolytes
  9. Benign energy generation
  10. High operating temperature
  11. Geothermal energy
  12. Cathodes
  13. SOFC research
  14. Significant scientific challenge
  15. Topical functional material

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