Most of the remarkable growth in renewable energy production has occurred among variable technologies (wind power and solar PV), raising concerns about the challenges of integrating large shares of variable generation into power systems. Establishing Mutually Beneficial Local Energy Markets (EMBLEM) aims to test the feasibility of a pioneering energy trading system for local energy economies, that aims to be a cost effective demand response solution to securing efficient energy supply. The concept is a win-win-win for producers, consumers (and prosumers) of energy, and also national grid and distribution systems, aiming to reduce network stress and power outages. EMBLEM integrates cutting-edge UK innovations - Scene Connect's Cloud Solar, off-grid energy metering and control hardware, and Swanbarton's Smart Trading platform - to deliver a product that goes beyond the current state-of-the-art. This product promises to disrupt current energy markets by increasing the viability of small renewable energy installations, and the electrical grid's ability to incorporate them. The key usage of the resultant technology will be in the developing world where grid systems are rapidly expanding and are under significant stress.