



Start Date
Sept. 30, 2009

End Date
Sept. 30, 2013


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The HiDEF consortium will explore highly decentralised energy futures. At the core of this is a sustainable electricity supply system that makes optimum use of decentralised assets and in which energy consumers participate actively in appropriately structured decentralised markets. This major change from the present arrangement, where most consumers are passive users of externally supplied energy services, will require new attitudes to energy and new ways working. The technical, market and social aspects of this transformation will be addressed in detail by the multi-disciplinary consortium that has been formed to embrace power system engineers, experts in electricity markets and researchers aware of the social and perceptual challenges.The technical developments that underpin the changes outlined above are the development of new high efficiency micro-CHP units (including the latest high temperature solid oxide fuel cells), the development of ever cheaper PV and micro-wind systems and the role out of smart electricity meters that will facilitate the involvement of even domestic consumers in demand side management. As time varying renewable sources become increasing prevalent in electricity supply, both in the form of small decentralised generators, and in the form of major offshore wind farms, tidal and wave energy installations, the role of highly decentralised load management will become ever more important. In addition the power electronic interfaces of decentralised generators can be used to provide more than just power - with suitable control other important network services like local voltage control, and even system frequency control, can be contributed.The consortium builds on the important work undertaken by the Highly Distributed Power Systems (HDPS) project that established base line models for the new technologies, developed suitable scenarios, and developed the cell concept of delivery.

David Infield PI_PER
Graeme Burt COI_PER
Stuart Galloway COI_PER
Ivana Kockar COI_PER
John Fletcher COI_PER
Cameron Johnstone COI_PER
Geoffrey Hammond COI_PER
Barry Williams COI_PER
Peter McGregor COI_PER
Graham Ault COI_PER
Nick Jenkins COI_PER
Tim Green COI_PER
Nick Eyre COI_PER
Simon Watson COI_PER
Mihailo Ristic COI_PER
Timothy Cockerill COI_PER
Janaka Bandara Ekanayake COI_PER
Goran Strbac COI_PER
Adrian Winnett COI_PER
Stephen Finney COI_PER
Nick Kelly COI_PER
Murray Thomson COI_PER
Keith Bell COI_PER
Marcelle McManus COI_PER
Christian Jardine RESEARCH_COI_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Renewable energy sources
  2. Electricity market
  3. Decentralisation
  4. Markets (systems)
  5. High voltage power lines
  6. Electricity

Extracted key phrases
  2. Decentralised energy future
  3. Sustainable electricity supply system
  4. HiDEF consortium
  5. Decentralised market
  6. Energy consumer
  7. Small decentralised generator
  8. New high efficiency micro
  9. Energy service
  10. Decentralised asset
  11. Late high temperature solid oxide fuel cell
  12. Power system engineer
  13. Energy installation
  14. System frequency control
  15. Disciplinary consortium

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