sHYps Sustainable HYdrogen powered Shipping




Start Date
May 31, 2022

End Date
May 31, 2026


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The general objective of sHYpS is to support the decarbonization of the shipping industry, by leveraging on previous and on-going work and investment made by Viking and some consortium members. It will develop a hydrogen-based solution, which can be adapted to multiple types of vessels and in some cases can already achieve IMO’s target for 2030 and 2050. The project will develop a (i) novel hydrogen storage intermodal 40’ ISO c-type container, (ii) the complete detailed design of modular containerized power train based on optimized PEM Fuel Cells and (iii) their dedicated logistics. On one hand the project will define a logistic based on swapping pre-filled containers, on the other hand it will define a perspective scale-up of the storage capacity and the supply applied to the Port of Bergen use case. This will allow to kick start a supply-chain without waiting for the full infrastructure to be in place. We show how this approach can already support a remarkable part of the vessels in the EU waters. The project will use the window of opportunity of 1 Viking’s new builds Ocean Cruise vessel to install the storage system onboard with the complete gas handling and energy management system and test it during the shakedown cruise by 2026, with a limited power Fuel Cell. When the 6MW will be in place (pendent investment decision by Viking) this will allow to cut 50% of emissions in a 14-day fjord cruise. The midterm outcomes are remarkable since Viking has a building program of 6 Ocean Cruise ships by 2030 and several river ships. With the right logistics in place the ISO container technology can develop in hundreds of units per year. In the meantime, the upscale design of the container from this project will approach more segments in sea and IWW application and look to hundreds of vessels in the order book of commercial fleets. The value-chain include LH2 suppliers, giving the opportunity to speed up a supply of thousands of tons of LH2 per year in the next 20 years.


Robert Tappin PM_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Ships
  2. Logistics
  3. Shipping
  4. Marine traffic
  5. Warehousing
  6. Maritime navigation

Extracted key phrases
  1. SHYps Sustainable HYdrogen
  2. Limited power Fuel Cell
  3. General objective
  4. Modular containerized power train
  5. Ocean Cruise vessel
  6. Novel hydrogen storage intermodal
  7. Shipping
  8. Type container
  9. Iso container technology
  10. Complete detailed design
  11. Ocean Cruise ship
  12. Bergen use case
  13. Shyps
  14. Storage system
  15. Pem Fuel Cells

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