Indo-UK Civil Nuclear Network




Start Date
Nov. 1, 2015

End Date
Oct. 31, 2019


More Like This

Both India and the United Kingdom have extensive civil nuclear power programmes. Recognising this, the two governments have, over the last few years, been supporting a series of joint nuclear science and engineering research activities. The intent of this is for both nations to gain, via "the whole being more than the sum of the parts". This particular "Network" project is a part of this, and is intended to foster and facilitate interactions between United Kingdom participants, to help ensure that the United Kingdom gains the fullest value it can value its investment in this activity.

More Information

Potential Impact:
Impact from the network grant will be achieved by the successful implementation of the planned activities, including:-

-the collating and disseminating of the factual information for the benefit of other researchers

-the soliciting and disseminating of the more qualitative information about how existing grants operate, and what seems to be best practice

-the hosting of the various networking events, in particular the annual conference-style meetings, and the annual smaller "closed" meetings of investigators.

In addition, impact will be achieved by the development and promotion of a dedicated website for the Indo-United Kingdom civil nuclear activity, and by the distribution of both Annual Reports and Newsletters. This distribution will go well beyond just the Indo-United Kingdom participants, to include a wide circle of industry and government, besides a wider academic catchment.

Simon Walker PI_PER
William Nuttall COI_PER
David Smith COI_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. United Kingdom
  2. Development (active)
  3. Success

Extracted key phrases
  1. United Kingdom civil nuclear activity
  2. UK Civil Nuclear Network
  3. United Kingdom participant
  4. Extensive civil nuclear power programme
  5. Indo
  6. Joint nuclear science
  7. Engineering research activity
  8. India
  9. Annual conference
  10. Style meeting
  11. Annual small
  12. Full value
  13. Factual information
  14. Qualitative information
  15. Network grant

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UKRI project entry

UK Project Locations