History of changes to: A paradigm shift in nitrogen activation for green ammonia synthesis
Date Action Change(s) User
Feb. 13, 2024, 4:20 p.m. Created 43 [{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 62872, "fields": {"project": 11069, "organisation": 2, "amount": 200616, "start_date": "2023-03-20", "end_date": "2024-09-19", "raw_data": 178342}}]
Jan. 30, 2024, 4:24 p.m. Created 43 [{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 55713, "fields": {"project": 11069, "organisation": 2, "amount": 200616, "start_date": "2023-03-20", "end_date": "2024-09-19", "raw_data": 154585}}]
Jan. 2, 2024, 4:15 p.m. Created 43 [{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 48517, "fields": {"project": 11069, "organisation": 2, "amount": 200616, "start_date": "2023-03-20", "end_date": "2024-09-19", "raw_data": 133354}}]
Dec. 5, 2023, 4:23 p.m. Created 43 [{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 41270, "fields": {"project": 11069, "organisation": 2, "amount": 200616, "start_date": "2023-03-20", "end_date": "2024-09-18", "raw_data": 100463}}]
Nov. 27, 2023, 2:14 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:38 p.m. Created 43 [{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 33975, "fields": {"project": 11069, "organisation": 2, "amount": 200616, "start_date": "2023-03-20", "end_date": "2024-09-18", "raw_data": 58831}}]
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:38 p.m. Created 41 [{"model": "core.projectorganisation", "pk": 98591, "fields": {"project": 11069, "organisation": 11077, "role": "LEAD_ORG"}}]
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:38 p.m. Created 40 [{"model": "core.projectperson", "pk": 62039, "fields": {"project": 11069, "person": 16107, "role": "COI_PER"}}]
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:38 p.m. Created 40 [{"model": "core.projectperson", "pk": 62038, "fields": {"project": 11069, "person": 15180, "role": "PI_PER"}}]
Nov. 20, 2023, 2:04 p.m. Updated 35 {"title": ["", "A paradigm shift in nitrogen activation for green ammonia synthesis"], "description": ["", "\nThe future of a carbon-free society lies on capability of storing renewable energy in the long term to align production with our energy demands. In this context, ammonia offers a great versatility as carbon-free energy vector, with a high energy density and existing global transportation and storage infrastructure. This project investigates a new high-risk, but potentially revolutionary, ammonia synthesis catalytic cycle for the direct synthesis of green ammonia using renewable energy, moving away from the conventional Haber- Bosch process.\n\n"], "extra_text": ["", "\n\n\n\n"], "status": ["", "Active"]}
Nov. 20, 2023, 2:04 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": [45621]}
Nov. 20, 2023, 2:04 p.m. Created 35 [{"model": "core.project", "pk": 11069, "fields": {"owner": null, "is_locked": false, "coped_id": "de4a7fc3-63b5-4fb3-9ab1-47049c654c42", "title": "", "description": "", "extra_text": "", "status": "", "start": null, "end": null, "raw_data": 58814, "created": "2023-11-20T13:41:23.095Z", "modified": "2023-11-20T13:41:23.095Z", "external_links": []}}]