Utilising next generation fuel cell catalysts




Start Date
May 31, 2013

End Date
Aug. 31, 2013


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There are significant opportunities to stimulate the UK economy through innovations in PEM fuel cell and water electrolyser technologies for stationary & portable power, micro-CHP, FCEVs, on-site industrial electrolysis, hydrogen refuelling and renewable energy balancing. A major constraint for greater market adoption is system cost, particularly as large amounts of platinum are used on the electrodes to provide the core energy conversion function. Development of a non-platinum catalyst with comparable performance at lower cost that integrates into existing electrode manufacturing processes has been achieved by Amalyst. This feasibility study aims to explore partnerships with PV3 Technologies to scale-up the production of the Amalyst catalyst and ACAL Energy to evaluate the material in their proprietary fuel cell architecture.

David Hodgson PM_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Hydrogen
  2. Fuel cells
  3. Renewable energy sources
  4. Electrolysis
  5. Energy production (process industry)
  6. Energy
  7. Energy balance
  8. Refuelling

Extracted key phrases
  1. Generation fuel cell catalyst
  2. PEM fuel cell
  3. Proprietary fuel cell architecture
  4. Amalyst catalyst
  5. Platinum catalyst
  6. Significant opportunity
  7. Water electrolyser technology
  8. Core energy conversion function
  9. UK economy
  10. Renewable energy balancing
  11. Electrode manufacturing process
  12. Great market adoption
  13. Site industrial electrolysis
  14. System cost

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