WindTwin project aims to revolutionise the monitoring and maintenance of wind turbines both onshore and offshore by developing an innovative digital platform that will virtualise with a digital twin the wind turbine behaviour and operation. These virtual models or twins will combine the mathematical models describing the physics of the turbine's operation, with sensor data collected and processed from real assets during real world operations. For example, condition monitoring on gearbox will be applied and sensors will be placed on the real wind turbine asset; the data being collected will be processed and transferred to the digital twin, continuously resulting in a close to real digital twin of the wind turbine showing real time performance. These virtual models will allow wind farm operators to predict failure and plan maintenance thus reducing both maintenance costs and downtime. The application of WindTwin platform will include (1) design using data and knowledge based tools and simulated testing of wind turbines before manufacturing, (2) continous predictive and preventive maintenance and condition monitoring of wind turbine asset (3) different power setting operation scenerios analysis, and associated wear and tear at different power outputs.