Near-room Temperature Solid-state Hydrogen Storage




Start Date
Jan. 1, 2024

End Date
Dec. 31, 2025


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This research aims to develop a new type of material that can store hydrogen in a safe and efficient way at near-room temperature. Hydrogen is a clean and renewable energy source, but currently, it is difficult to store and transport in large amounts. By using a combination of two different materials, we aim to create a high-capacity storage material that can be used in hydrogen fuel cell systems, which are a type of clean energy technology. We will use advanced techniques to understand how this new material works and how to improve it. The goal of this research is to make hydrogen a more practical and accessible energy source, which would have a positive impact on the environment and energy system. This project has the potential to create significant advancements in the hydrogen value chain and have global implications for the future energy system.

Mi Tian PI_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Hydrogen
  2. Renewable energy sources
  3. Warehousing
  4. Sustainable development
  5. Fuels
  6. Energy technology
  7. Energy production (process industry)
  8. Environmental effects

Extracted key phrases
  1. Hydrogen fuel cell system
  2. Room Temperature solid
  3. New material work
  4. Hydrogen value chain
  5. State Hydrogen Storage
  6. Near
  7. Clean energy technology
  8. Renewable energy source
  9. Capacity storage material
  10. Accessible energy source
  11. Room temperature
  12. Future energy system
  13. Different material
  14. New type
  15. Efficient way

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