Experimental Nuclear Structure Physics



No funds listed.

Start Date
Oct. 7, 2018

End Date
March 1, 2022


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The PhD project will focus on an experiment at the IGISOL facility at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. This experiment is a follow on from the PhD thesis work of completed students Camino Rodriguez Triguero and Chantal Nobs. The idea is to measure the specific case of the structure of 102Zr populated in the beta decay of 102Y, produced in proton-induced fission of uranium. You would be fully involved in the experimental work at Jyväskylä and then lead the data analysis at Brighton. Results will be compared with model calculations, also performed by you, and there will be opportunity to present and discuss the results with members of the international nuclear physics community. It would also be expected that you would be fully involved in the other activities of the Group which include approved experiments at the FAIR facility in Germany

Alison Bruce SUPER_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Nuclear physics
  2. Students

Extracted key phrases
  1. Experimental Nuclear Structure Physics
  2. Phd project
  3. Phd thesis work
  4. Student Camino Rodriguez Triguero
  5. Experiment
  6. IGISOL facility
  7. International nuclear physics community
  8. Experimental work
  9. FAIR facility
  10. Jyväskyl&auml
  11. Chantal Nobs
  12. Datum analysis
  13. Specific case
  14. Result
  15. Beta decay

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