R&D for R3B Si tracker




Start Date
Sept. 30, 2020

End Date
June 30, 2021


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This project supports preparatory work for a state-of-the-art detector array that will give a better insight into the structure of the atomic nucleus. The device will be employed at the FAIR facility in Germany, which provides the highest energy beams of exotic nuclei. Exotic nuclei are short-lived nuclear species that are crucial for our understanding of the cosmos. These beams of exotic species impinge on a reaction target of pure liquid hydrogen and, following a violent reaction, several fragments of subatomic scale emerge in all directions; this device helps to track the emitted charged particles and from this information reconstruct the quantum state and structure of the exotic nucleus.

Stefanos Paschalis PI_PER
Marina Petri COI_PER
Julien Bordes RESEARCH_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Nuclear physics
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Exotic

Extracted key phrases
  1. R3B Si tracker
  2. Preparatory work
  3. Exotic nucleus
  4. Exotic specie
  5. Atomic nucleus
  6. Quantum state
  7. Art detector array
  8. High energy beam
  9. Project
  10. Nuclear specie
  11. Reaction target
  12. Pure liquid hydrogen
  13. Violent reaction

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