Integrated assessment of the emission-health-socioeconomics nexus and air pollution mitigation solutions and interventions in Beijing (INHANCE)

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Integrated assessment of the emission-health-socioeconomics nexus and air pollution mitigation solutions and interventions in Beijing (INHANCE)




Start Date
Jan. 1, 2016

End Date
Dec. 31, 2019


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China's rapid industrialisation and urbanisation has been accompanied by large increases in air pollution. In recognition of the health and socio-economic issues associated with this China's State Council authorized a 1.75 trillion Yuan investment package: the Air Pollution Prevention Plan (the Plan).

Our project, INHANCE, will: i) evidence the socio-economic efficacy of "the Plan" and, moving forward, ii) deliver an evidence based, effective, equitable and integrated intervention and management plan for air pollution mitigation in the Chinese megacity, Beijing. Through the engagement of its internationally leading research team INHANCE is very well placed to achieve these goals and with high-level involvement (Deputy Chief Scientist) from CRAES, (major drafters of Pollution Prevention and Control Law in China), we are well-poised to realise maximum impact from our research.

INHANCE embraces ODA priorities by: i) promoting the economic development and welfare of a transitional China as its main objective; ii) ensuring long-term sustainable improvements to air quality in Beijing (transferable to other megacites); iii) building capacity in skills and knowledge, and; iv) supporting sustained development of research that will result in welfare enhancement and economic growth. The UK contribution in areas of environmental economics, UK air pollution abatement and air-quality renewable energy interactions represent clear engagement of UK research strength to realise ODA priorities.
As an 'enabler' project INHANCE will promote synergies and opportunities across the whole program and through the INHANCE 'Champions' (see Case) will lead the engagement with Themes 1-3, and ensure the delivery of integrated science-based policy evaluation and design.

Central to the INHANCE approach is a strong commitment to across program communication (WP1). Toward these ends an Executive Committee, in consultation with the program administration, will map INHANCE expertise to Themes 1-3. Two-way internal- and external-facing communication mechanisms will be implemented to foster an interdisciplinary environment.

INHANCE will deliver a quantitative performance assessment of China's current air pollution policies wherein the effectiveness of current anti-air pollution measures will be 'scored' (WP2). This scoring will be based upon pollutant inventories, atmospheric chemistry models (PKU-V3 / WRF-Chem), emission and economic performance of energy structure optimization, and, evaluation of end-of-pipe control measures.
The nexus among emission-health (physical and mental)-socioeconomic-energy impacts is central to the INHANCE research agenda (WP3). In order to interrogate this nexus INHANCE will establish and evaluate interactive relationships among exposure, vulnerability, impact on health, implications for industry and economic consequences. This WP will focus upon: air quality and renewable energy interactions; air pollution exposure and health impacts for low income population groups; measuring air pollution induced mental health impact; pollution footprint analysis - direct and indirect economic costs associated with physical and mental health losses, and; an estimation of the health burden associated with final consumption and trade.

In its conclusion, INHANCE will deliver recommendations regarding integrated policy design and deliver an assessment for policy cost-effectiveness. To achieve this INHANCE will: compare and qualitatively assess air quality policies between Beijing and other cities; engage with Themes 1-3 and other relevant stakeholders to prescribe air pollution abatement trajectories; undertake policy performance assessment modelling; utilise techno-economic inventories for anti-pollution measures to conduct micro cost-benefit analysis of new policies; measure health and macroeconomic costs and benefits in mitigating air pollution, and; transform evidence generated into practical emission alleviation pathways.

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Potential Impact:
INHANCE brings together natural scientists, economists, and social scientists across the UK and China to research, measure, re-think and communicate the lessons learned, where appropriate, from air pollution management in the UK and other countries; analyse the performance of China's current clean air act; and assess novel interventions, solutions and mechanisms for achieving effective and equitable air pollution reduction in Chinese megacities. Given the nature of INHANCE which requires close and extensive collaborations with the other program Themes, INHANCE is designed as an enabler project, leveraging the significant NERC and NSFC support given to the other themed projects among this research consortium, in order to deliver integrated and science-based policy design.
We design bespoke engagement tools for in-reaching within/beyond the consortium (including researchers and stakeholders from other Theme projects).
a) The INHANCE Champion pair mechanism: 3 Champion pairs with relevant research expertise from INHANCE will map to each of themes 1-3 for co-production of knowledge and efficient integration among the entire consortium.
b) The INHANCE Academy will be established and managed by INHANCE postdoctoral researchers. The Academy gathers early career researchers within the consortium and beyond in the field of air pollution research, in order to facilitate better communication of model details, exchange information, spark novel research ideas, and integrate results produced by this consortium.

INHANCE aims to outreach and engage with key stakeholders from different levels (international, national, regional and local) and sectors (public, private and civic) at all stages in the lifecycle of the research. Our engagement, communications and impact strategies will be co-designed with and informed by the consortium administrator and the other 4 projects from Themes 1-3 in order to minimise repetitive effort and maximise the impact of the whole consortium.
a) To ensure maximum profile and impact, we will then structure our activities through three tiers of engagement. For those stakeholders that can become active partners in INHANCE (tier 1 partners), we will develop close, formalised, sustained modes of engagement on programme management committees. One or two tier 1 stakeholders will be invited onto the Executive Committee. These partners will be involved in the meaningful co-production of knowledge, for example by helping us in data gathering and compilation, refining and focusing the project aim and objectives, reviewing and selecting appropriate research themes and questions in Beijing air quality research; recommending and commenting on thematic debate topics, suggesting new / alternative methods and means in promoting research and delivering impact, and drawing out the implications and aiding the communication of these to different communities of policy and practice.
b) For those stakeholders that have a clear interest in and who are engaged in work that is directly relevant to the programme (tier 2 partners), we will develop an engagement plan that seeks to promote active dialogue on the programme, and that invites them to relevant events and workshops and that offers opportunities to engage in INHANCE and the whole consortium more directly if they wish to do so.
c) For those stakeholders with a broader interest in the findings of the programme, including the media, (tier 3 partners), we will develop clear lines of two-way communication to inform them about, and to hear their comments on, the key research findings.

Dabo Guan PI_PER
Brian Reid COI_PER
Stephen Dorling COI_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Air pollution
  2. Emissions
  3. Health effects
  4. Evaluation
  5. Air quality
  6. Environmental effects
  7. Efficacy
  8. Urbanisation
  9. Pollutants
  10. Climate policy
  11. Air pollutants

Extracted key phrases
  1. Current air pollution policy
  2. Air pollution research
  3. Air pollution mitigation solution
  4. UK air pollution abatement
  5. Air pollution measure
  6. Equitable air pollution reduction
  7. Air pollution management
  8. Beijing air quality research
  9. Air pollution abatement trajectory
  10. Integrated assessment
  11. Air quality policy
  12. Integrated intervention
  13. Research team INHANCE
  14. INHANCE research agenda
  15. Policy performance assessment modelling

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