



Start Date
Jan. 1, 2023

End Date
Dec. 31, 2025


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Wind power is one of the fastest-growing, most mature and cost-competitive renewable energy technologies. But its deployment faces significant challenges due to a lack of understanding of the (distribution of) complex (positive and negative) impacts and their interplay with low local acceptance. WIMBY addresses these challenges by fostering the societal engagement of citizens and stakeholders so that wind energy gains substantially more popular support, thereby enabling its role in Europe's decarbonisation goals. To do so, WIMBY translates the results of in-depth models to assess the potential for the development of wind parks into useful and comprehensive information and tools for stakeholders, facilitating decision making towards lower impact and more participative wind energy deployment. To thoroughly assess location-dependent potential impacts, conflicts and synergies of wind power deployment on the natural and social environment, WIMBY combines high resolution spatially explicit techno-economic models under multiple regulatory frameworks, with models to assess environmental, security and health impacts on the one hand, and models to determine potential synergies in ecosystems on the other. WIMBY follows a citizens' science approach for dissemination supported through a Web-GIS interactive forum that improves upon the content and functionality of the New European Wind Atlas. On a community level, we study four geographically, climatically and socio-economically diverse pilot cases across the EU, where detailed modelling and an immersive 3D platform and a Multi-Criteria Satisfaction Analysis framework are employed in workshops with stakeholders of potential projects. Throughout the project, WIMBY deepens the knowledge of the drivers and barriers for social acceptance and develops guidelines to raise public understanding and engagement with wind power, especially promoting the uptake of new generations of large(r) wind power turbines and farms.no public description

Giles Machell PM_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Wind energy
  2. Renewable energy sources
  3. Wind
  4. Energy production (process industry)
  5. Wind power stations

Extracted key phrases
  1. Wind power deployment
  2. WIMBY
  3. Participative wind energy deployment
  4. Wind power turbine
  5. Wind power
  6. Dependent potential impact
  7. Competitive renewable energy technology
  8. New European Wind Atlas
  9. Wind park
  10. Low impact
  11. Potential project
  12. Potential synergy
  13. Low local acceptance
  14. Health impact
  15. Criteria Satisfaction Analysis framework

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