Robert Steinberger-Wilckens




LinkedIn URL

Projects in CoPED

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fuel Cells and their Fuels - Clean Power for the 21st Century

Status: Active
Total funding: £8,939,326
From: March 31, 2014
To: Feb. 28, 2023
Organisations: 42
People: 6

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Hub Extension (H2FC SUPERGEN)

Status: Active
Total funding: £6,746,232
From: April 30, 2017
To: Dec. 31, 2022
Organisations: 7
People: 11

Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) powertrain for automotive applications

Status: Active
Total funding: £0
From: Sept. 30, 2018
To: March 29, 2023
Organisations: 2
People: 2

Development of Intermediate Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell with Multi-Functional Plate

Status: Active
Total funding: £190,380
From: Sept. 14, 2022
To: Sept. 13, 2024
Organisations: 2
People: 3

ISCF Wave 1: (The JUICED Hub [Joint University Industry Consortium for Energy (Materials) and Devices Hub])

Status: Closed
Total funding: £3,664,442
From: Nov. 8, 2017
To: Nov. 6, 2021
Organisations: 15
People: 12

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Supergen Hub

Status: Closed
Total funding: £8,201,910
From: April 30, 2012
To: April 29, 2017
Organisations: 6
People: 14


Added to CoPED
April 11, 2022, 1:29 a.m.

Last update
Nov. 27, 2023, 1:09 p.m.