Derek Sinclair




LinkedIn URL

Projects in CoPED

Development of electroceramics for next generation high capacitance multi-layer ceramic capacitors

Status: Active
Total funding: £0
From: Oct. 26, 2020
To: Oct. 24, 2024
Organisations: 2
People: 2

New directions in high temperature dielectrics: unlocking performance of doped tungsten bronze oxides through mechanistic understanding

Status: Active
Total funding: £294,702
From: Dec. 24, 2021
To: Dec. 23, 2024
Organisations: 1
People: 1

Ultra-low temperature sintering of Li based ceramics for energy storage

Status: Active
Total funding: £0
From: Sept. 29, 2019
To: Dec. 29, 2023
Organisations: 2
People: 2

Oxide ion conductors for intermediate temperature fuel cells

Status: Active
Total funding: £0
From: Sept. 29, 2019
To: Sept. 28, 2023
Organisations: 2
People: 2

Oxide ion conductors for intermediate temperature fuel cells

Status: Active
Total funding: £0
From: Sept. 29, 2019
To: Sept. 29, 2023
Organisations: 2
People: 2

FPeT: Framework for designing piezoelectric transformer power supplies

Status: Closed
Total funding: £1,207,170
From: May 1, 2017
To: Dec. 1, 2021
Organisations: 8
People: 5

New and Improved Electroceramics

Status: Closed
Total funding: £7,579,596
From: Sept. 30, 2008
To: March 31, 2013
Organisations: 2
People: 7

A Coordinated, Comprehensive approach to Carbon Capture and Utilisation

Status: Closed
Total funding: £9,119,946
From: Sept. 6, 2012
To: Sept. 5, 2017
Organisations: 4
People: 11

Substitution and Sustainability in Functional Materials and Devices

Status: Closed
Total funding: £4,932,736
From: June 30, 2014
To: Dec. 30, 2019
Organisations: 11
People: 9

Stoichiometry, Stability and Phase Equilibria of CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) High Permittivity Ceramics

Status: Closed
Total funding: £162,454
From: March 31, 2007
To: March 30, 2008
Organisations: 1
People: 3

Nanostructure in Functional Ceramics

Status: Closed
Total funding: £1,213,690
From: Sept. 30, 2007
To: March 30, 2011
Organisations: 1
People: 3

Analysis of Polar Nanostructures in High Temperature Relaxor Dielectrics: a Framework for Materials Discovery

Status: Closed
Total funding: £289,554
From: Jan. 2, 2017
To: Sept. 29, 2019
Organisations: 1
People: 3

Advanced Inorganic Functional Materials: Floating Zone Crystal Growth System

Status: Closed
Total funding: £803,374
From: April 14, 2017
To: April 13, 2021
Organisations: 3
People: 16

A new family of electrolytes based on Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells

Status: Closed
Total funding: £941,740
From: Nov. 17, 2014
To: May 16, 2018
Organisations: 4
People: 2


Added to CoPED
April 11, 2022, 1:37 a.m.

Last update
Nov. 27, 2023, 1:17 p.m.