Peter Taylor




LinkedIn URL

Projects in CoPED

UK Centre for Research on Energy Demand

Status: Active
Total funding: £97,201,950
From: March 31, 2018
To: Dec. 31, 2023
Organisations: 39
People: 57

UK Energy Research Centre Phase 4

Status: Active
Total funding: £91,033,665
From: April 30, 2019
To: Oct. 4, 2024
Organisations: 45
People: 63

The role of hydrogen for decarbonising dispersed industry sites in the UK

Status: Active
Total funding: £0
From: Sept. 30, 2021
To: June 30, 2025
Organisations: 1
People: 2

ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy - Transition Phase

Status: Active
Total funding: £5,563,065
From: Sept. 30, 2018
To: Dec. 31, 2023
Organisations: 73
People: 16

A Network for Heating and Cooling Research to Enable a Net-Zero Carbon Future (H+C Zero Network)

Status: Active
Total funding: £5,798,485
From: Sept. 30, 2020
To: June 30, 2025
Organisations: 37
People: 11

Supergen Energy Networks Impact Hub 2023

Status: Active
Total funding: £26,672,875
From: Sept. 30, 2023
To: Sept. 30, 2028
Organisations: 36
People: 19

Energy Demand Research Centre (EDRC)

Status: Active
Total funding: £77,538,595
From: June 30, 2023
To: June 30, 2028
Organisations: 15
People: 34

Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC)

Status: Active
Total funding: £99,517,055
From: March 31, 2021
To: May 31, 2024
Organisations: 87
People: 41

Exploring the Biophysical Constraints and the Socio-Economic Implications of a Global Transition to Renewable Energy Systems.

Status: Closed
Total funding: £0
From: March 1, 2021
To: May 2, 2022
Organisations: 1
People: 4

Addressing the urban energy challenge: The role of distributed thermal storage in future low carbon city energy systems

Status: Closed
Total funding: £0
From: Sept. 30, 2017
To: Sept. 30, 2021
Organisations: 1
People: 3

Creating Resilient Sustainable Microgrids through Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

Status: Closed
Total funding: £6,298,750
From: April 30, 2018
To: Dec. 31, 2021
Organisations: 7
People: 10

The use of Whole Energy System Analysis in decision-making across scales

Status: Closed
Total funding: £302,200
From: April 30, 2017
To: Jan. 31, 2018
Organisations: 1
People: 6

Consortium for Modelling and Analysis of Decentralised Energy Storage (C-MADEnS)

Status: Closed
Total funding: £5,684,050
From: Sept. 30, 2015
To: Jan. 31, 2019
Organisations: 37
People: 8

UK Energy Research Centre Phase 3

Status: Closed
Total funding: £67,659,805
From: April 30, 2014
To: Aug. 31, 2019
Organisations: 11
People: 24

Supergen Energy Networks hub 2018

Status: Closed
Total funding: £25,917,925
From: Sept. 30, 2018
To: June 30, 2020
Organisations: 37
People: 9

Supergen Energy Networks hub 2018

Status: Closed
Total funding: £18,854,305
From: June 30, 2020
To: Sept. 30, 2023
Organisations: 1
People: 9

Reducing uncertainty in predicting the risk of geological storage of CO2 - Improved geomechanical models and calibration using seismic data

Status: Closed
Total funding: £5,065,735
From: Sept. 30, 2013
To: Sept. 30, 2018
Organisations: 4
People: 5


Added to CoPED
Nov. 20, 2023, 1:43 p.m.

Last update
Nov. 27, 2023, 1:51 p.m.