Joao Quinta Da Fonseca




LinkedIn URL

Projects in CoPED

Irradiation Effects on Flow Localisation in Zirconium Alloys

Status: Closed
Total funding: £1,594,475
From: March 31, 2011
To: March 31, 2015
Organisations: 3
People: 4

Performance and Reliability of Metallic Materials for Nuclear Fission Power Generation

Status: Closed
Total funding: £1,904,035
From: Sept. 30, 2010
To: March 31, 2015
Organisations: 4
People: 4

Understanding the mechanisms controlling low potential stress corrosion cracking in nuclear reactors

Status: Closed
Total funding: £7,063,555
From: Dec. 1, 2017
To: May 31, 2022
Organisations: 5
People: 6

From Processing to Simulated In-Reactor Performance of Zr Cladding.

Status: Closed
Total funding: £2,456,435
From: March 17, 2016
To: March 16, 2020
Organisations: 7
People: 5

Multi-scAle INTegrity assessment for Advanced high-temperature Nuclear systems

Status: Closed
Total funding: £238,975
From: March 31, 2018
To: March 31, 2022
Organisations: 1
People: 1

Recycled aerospace grade Ti-6Al-4V for structural applications in offshore renewable energy systems

Status: Closed
Total funding: £42,685
From: Aug. 31, 2022
To: Aug. 31, 2023
Organisations: 2
People: 1


Added to CoPED
Nov. 20, 2023, 1:39 p.m.

Last update
Nov. 27, 2023, 1:47 p.m.