University of Leuven



Projects in CoPED

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Composites Science, Engineering and Manufacturing

Status: Active
Total funding: £12,807,510
From: Sept. 30, 2019
To: March 30, 2028
Organisations: 33
People: 3

Revolutionising Operational Safety and Economy for High-value Infrastructure using Population-based SHM (ROSEHIPS)

Status: Active
Total funding: £12,653,600
From: March 1, 2022
To: May 30, 2027
Organisations: 18
People: 9

CBET-EPSRC: Turbulent flows over multiscale heterogeneous surfaces

Status: Active
Total funding: £978,776
From: Dec. 1, 2017
To: Nov. 30, 2022
Organisations: 5
People: 2

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Chemistry

Status: Active
Total funding: £10,767,204
From: March 31, 2014
To: Sept. 29, 2023
Organisations: 26
People: 2

UK Centre for Research on Energy Demand

Status: Active
Total funding: £38,870,548
From: March 31, 2018
To: Dec. 31, 2023
Organisations: 30
People: 57

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Critical Resource Catalysis - CRITICAT

Status: Active
Total funding: £8,875,154
From: April 30, 2014
To: March 25, 2024
Organisations: 24
People: 6

SoS RARE: Multidisciplinary research towards a secure and environmentally sustainable supply of critical rare earth elements (Nd and HREE)

Status: Closed
Total funding: £1,099,744
From: April 30, 2015
To: Dec. 31, 2019
Organisations: 27
People: 2

HubNet: Research Leadership and Networking for Energy Networks (Extension)

Status: Closed
Total funding: £6,149,625
From: May 31, 2016
To: Sept. 29, 2018
Organisations: 7
People: 3

Recycling of rare earths with ionic liquid solvents: Bridging the gap between molecular modelling and process design

Status: Closed
Total funding: £1,199,012
From: Aug. 31, 2015
To: Aug. 30, 2018
Organisations: 2
People: 3

High Performance Ductile Composite Technology (HiPerDuCT)

Status: Closed
Total funding: £12,833,566
From: June 30, 2011
To: June 29, 2018
Organisations: 14
People: 8

Imaging Membrane Potential via Second Harmonic Generation

Status: Closed
Total funding: £1,578,386
From: Aug. 31, 2010
To: Aug. 30, 2014
Organisations: 3
People: 5

Normativity: Epistemic and Practical

Status: Closed
Total funding: £375,676
From: Dec. 16, 2013
To: Dec. 15, 2015
Organisations: 18
People: 3

Polyoxometalate-Based Sensitizers for p-Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

Status: Closed
Total funding: £197,362
From: Dec. 31, 2014
To: June 29, 2016
Organisations: 5
People: 1

DEFACTO: Digital Energy Feedback and Control Technology Optimisation

Status: Closed
Total funding: £3,094,378
From: Nov. 1, 2012
To: Oct. 31, 2018
Organisations: 14
People: 4

Health effects of modern airtight construction

Status: Closed
Total funding: £71,510
From: April 26, 2016
To: April 25, 2017
Organisations: 15
People: 2

People in CoPED

University of Leuven

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Oude Markt 13