Scottish and Southern Energy SSE plc



Projects in CoPED

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fuel Cells and their Fuels - Clean Power for the 21st Century

Status: Active
Total funding: £8,939,326
From: March 31, 2014
To: Feb. 28, 2023
Organisations: 42
People: 6

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Wind and Marine Energy Systems

Status: Active
Total funding: £7,874,770
From: March 31, 2014
To: Dec. 31, 2022
Organisations: 24
People: 3

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Carbon Capture and Storage and Cleaner Fossil Energy

Status: Active
Total funding: £7,051,488
From: March 31, 2014
To: Sept. 13, 2024
Organisations: 44
People: 10

Network headroom, engineering upgrades and public acceptance (NEUPA): Connecting engineering for heat system change to consumers and citizens

Status: Active
Total funding: £2,464,018
From: June 30, 2020
To: Jan. 31, 2024
Organisations: 13
People: 8

Analytical Middleware for Informed Distribution Networks (AMIDiNe)

Status: Active
Total funding: £1,406,182
From: Sept. 30, 2019
To: Sept. 29, 2022
Organisations: 8
People: 6

INTEGRATE: Integrating seasoNal Thermal storagE with multiple enerGy souRces to decArbonise Thermal Energy

Status: Active
Total funding: £2,891,664
From: Sept. 30, 2020
To: Sept. 29, 2024
Organisations: 12
People: 10

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Power Networks at The University of Manchester

Status: Active
Total funding: £8,062,080
From: March 31, 2014
To: March 30, 2023
Organisations: 15
People: 3

Energy Revolution Research Consortium - Core - EnergyREV

Status: Active
Total funding: £18,126,344
From: Dec. 1, 2018
To: March 30, 2023
Organisations: 27
People: 32

Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC)

Status: Active
Total funding: £39,806,822
From: March 31, 2021
To: March 31, 2024
Organisations: 83
People: 41

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids

Status: Active
Total funding: £8,915,760
From: March 31, 2014
To: March 30, 2023
Organisations: 10
People: 2

Resilient Future Urban Energy Systems Capable of Surviving in Extreme Events (RESCUE)

Status: Active
Total funding: £1,484,776
From: Jan. 1, 2020
To: March 31, 2024
Organisations: 7
People: 5

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Storage and its Applications

Status: Active
Total funding: £8,290,721
From: March 31, 2014
To: Sept. 29, 2023
Organisations: 35
People: 4

Supergen Storage Network Plus 2019

Status: Active
Total funding: £2,024,018
From: Sept. 1, 2019
To: Aug. 31, 2023
Organisations: 33
People: 19

PELAgIO: Physics-to-Ecosystem Level Assessment of Impacts of Offshore Windfarms

Status: Active
Total funding: £532,188
From: Aug. 8, 2022
To: Aug. 7, 2025
Organisations: 7
People: 2

PATCH: Plasma Assisted Thermo-CHemical energy storage for Carnot batteries

Status: Active
Total funding: £1,078,155
From: Nov. 1, 2022
To: Oct. 31, 2024
Organisations: 8
People: 4

Flexible and Efficient Power Plant: Flex-E-Plant

Status: Closed
Total funding: £5,991,000
From: July 31, 2013
To: Feb. 28, 2018
Organisations: 29
People: 18

ELEVATE (ELEctrochemical Vehicle Advanced TEchnology)

Status: Closed
Total funding: £6,532,732
From: Jan. 13, 2015
To: July 11, 2019
Organisations: 10
People: 13


Status: Closed
Total funding: £270,652
From: Sept. 21, 2008
To: Sept. 20, 2011
Organisations: 2
People: 1

System-wide Probabilistic Energy Forecasting

Status: Closed
Total funding: £10,078
From: Aug. 1, 2021
To: July 30, 2022
Organisations: 5
People: 2

Gas-FACTS: Gas - Future Advanced Capture Technology Options - Consortium proposal by Cranfield, Edinburgh, Imperial, Leeds and Sheffield

Status: Closed
Total funding: £4,922,176
From: March 31, 2012
To: Dec. 31, 2015
Organisations: 19
People: 22

Hydrogen's value in the energy system (HYVE)

Status: Closed
Total funding: £1,400,792
From: May 31, 2014
To: Nov. 30, 2017
Organisations: 9
People: 7

Development and Evaluation of Sustainable Technologies for Flexible Operation of Conventional Power Plants.

Status: Closed
Total funding: £3,888,880
From: Sept. 15, 2013
To: March 14, 2019
Organisations: 16
People: 16

Converged Approach towards Resilient Industrial control systems and Cyber Assurance (CAPRICA)

Status: Closed
Total funding: £788,612
From: Feb. 1, 2015
To: Dec. 31, 2017
Organisations: 9
People: 6

Multivariate Max-stable Processes with Application to the Forecasting of Multiple Hazards

Status: Closed
Total funding: £878,108
From: June 28, 2018
To: Aug. 30, 2021
Organisations: 4
People: 2

Multivariate Max-stable Processes with Application to the Forecasting of Multiple Hazards

Status: Closed
Total funding: £85,630
From: Aug. 31, 2021
To: July 30, 2022
Organisations: 4
People: 2

Cooperative Participatory Evaluation of Renewable Technologies on Ecosystem Services (CORPORATES).

Status: Closed
Total funding: £171,104
From: June 30, 2014
To: March 30, 2016
Organisations: 5
People: 5

Improving marine growth estimates using 3D photogrammetry

Status: Closed
Total funding: £164,360
From: Jan. 1, 2018
To: March 31, 2019
Organisations: 9
People: 3

System-wide Probabilistic Energy Forecasting

Status: Closed
Total funding: £625,868
From: June 28, 2018
To: July 31, 2021
Organisations: 9
People: 2


Status: Closed
Total funding: £265,792
From: Sept. 30, 2008
To: Sept. 29, 2011
Organisations: 8
People: 1

Multi Vector Energy Distribution System Modelling and Optimisation with Integrated Demand Side Response

Status: Closed
Total funding: £483,202
From: Aug. 31, 2014
To: Aug. 30, 2017
Organisations: 12
People: 2

Power Networks Research Academy

Status: Closed
Total funding: £2,168,480
From: Sept. 30, 2008
To: March 30, 2016
Organisations: 7
People: 7

Grid Economics, Planning and Business Models for Smart Electric Mobility

Status: Closed
Total funding: £2,011,540
From: Dec. 31, 2013
To: Dec. 30, 2016
Organisations: 11
People: 6

Consortium for Modelling and Analysis of Decentralised Energy Storage (C-MADEnS)

Status: Closed
Total funding: £2,273,620
From: Sept. 30, 2015
To: Jan. 31, 2019
Organisations: 37
People: 8

Detection of loss of grid event in distributed generation systems using pattern recognition

Status: Closed
Total funding: £476,976
From: Oct. 31, 2012
To: April 29, 2016
Organisations: 3
People: 3

UK Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium (ITRC): PROGRAMME GRANT: Long term dynamics of interdependent infrastructure systems

Status: Closed
Total funding: £9,586,024
From: Feb. 7, 2011
To: Jan. 6, 2016
Organisations: 71
People: 4

UK Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium (ITRC): PROGRAMME GRANT: Long term dynamics of interdependent infrastructure systems

Status: Closed
Total funding: £9,461,684
From: Jan. 1, 2011
To: Feb. 7, 2011
Organisations: 62
People: 14

Enhanced Management and Performance for a Sustainable UK Energy Infrastructure

Status: Closed
Total funding: £4,969,882
From: Feb. 1, 2006
To: Oct. 30, 2010
Organisations: 9
People: 21

The Autonomic Power System

Status: Closed
Total funding: £6,858,198
From: Sept. 30, 2011
To: Oct. 31, 2016
Organisations: 28
People: 19

Street2Grid - An Electricity Blockchain Platform for P2P Energy Trading

Status: Closed
Total funding: £775,338
From: Oct. 14, 2019
To: June 12, 2022
Organisations: 12
People: 2

Street2Grid - An Electricity Blockchain Platform for P2P Energy Trading

Status: Closed
Total funding: £1,139,960
From: June 28, 2018
To: Oct. 13, 2019
Organisations: 15
People: 2

Working with Information, Creation of Knowledge, and Energy strategy Deployment (WICKED) in Non-Domestic Buildings

Status: Closed
Total funding: £985,160
From: June 30, 2014
To: June 29, 2016
Organisations: 28
People: 7

Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage

Status: Closed
Total funding: £636,650
From: May 31, 2012
To: July 30, 2016
Organisations: 3
People: 2

SUPERGEN Energy Storage Hub

Status: Closed
Total funding: £7,824,840
From: June 29, 2014
To: Dec. 29, 2019
Organisations: 26
People: 11

Battery Characterisation and Management - the key to Smart Grids and the Integration of Electric Vehicles

Status: Closed
Total funding: £2,677,438
From: July 10, 2013
To: April 27, 2017
Organisations: 7
People: 10

RV-DSS: An industry-friendly resilience-based interdependency assessment tool - case study North Argyll

Status: Closed
Total funding: £125,686
From: Nov. 1, 2017
To: April 29, 2018
Organisations: 10
People: 4

Centre for Energy Systems Integration

Status: Closed
Total funding: £10,718,254
From: Sept. 30, 2016
To: July 30, 2022
Organisations: 37
People: 30

People in CoPED

Scottish and Southern Energy SSE plc

10 Henderson Road
United Kingdom